What is a Biz-e Lady?

I am the girl who survived riding my bike without a helmet, drank often from the water hose on hot summer days, and chased “lightnin' bugs” with a mason jar in the evenings as the sun went down, while my friend's parents hollered for them to come home for dinner!

I married my high school sweetheart and had two beautiful children. When he found another “sweetheart,” I divorced him and moved with my two small children (ages 2 and 4) to the big city of Atlanta in 1989. As a single mom, things were not always easy. I went into bankruptcy right after the divorce and also proceeded to lose my car and home. Over the years, life was challenging, and little struggles seemed to pile up. But I would remind myself that I was doing just fine, surviving them!

I quickly learned that experience outweighed my degree, and I built a great marketing business with partners from NYC, encountering some fantastic clients along the way. My marketing & branding experience and training have proven invaluable, and I have used it throughout my career, later in radio and then in my businesses. I love marketing and branding; it is my passion. Yet, there have been times in my life when I felt something was missing. (There is much more to this story.)

As for becoming a GAGA – this special little boy, my first grandson, gave me the title with love! Fourteen years and three more grandkids later, I am still ROCKING the GaGa. THE GaGa Guru has evolved & rebranded, and so has my path through life, love, and all that comes with it, shaping me into who I am today.

Thus, The Biz-e Lady was born – channeling my experiences, passion, and resilience into a movement empowering and uplifting women in business. My journey has come full circle, proving that with perseverance and passion, one can create not just a business, but a legacy.

The "Girl"

Who became a Biz-e Lady!

Now you might be asking… so what, who cares, what can The Biz-e Lady do for me?

Since we haven’t met yet, here’s a bit about me… I am a mother and grandmother who puts God first.

My passion is helping other women who have walked the path of struggle and survival and are working on building a business (often by themselves). You know that it's not easy, and you might need some help, and you're just not sure where to start!

If you can relate to any part of my story, or if you are currently in the middle of YOUR story and are not happy with how your business and life are moving... then you have found someone who can relate and offer some help!

I work with women who are excited to be on this journey... If you are ready, then you must join us at The Biz-e Lady Studio, where we help you Dream It - Design It - Market It.

It's not just Marketing, it's a Movement!

I am looking forward to chatting with YOU soon.

Elita Clark

CEO - Championship Energy Only

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